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Amerika / New York / Flushing
Gtech Education and Tutorial Consulting
Gtech Egitim Danismanligi Hizmetleri/ Education Consulting: Offered virtually/ person/ travel to location.
GTECH Education and College Admissions Counseling.

Uzun yillar egitim sektorinde faaliyet gosteren sirketimiz- Pisikotherapist -Gulbanu Taskent Daser tarifindan: Universite Egitim Danismak/ Yazi ve Sinav Hazirligi ve Ozel Ingilizce Ders Vermektedir/ Sunmaktadir. 

GTECH Ultra Edge Platform Ile -
Universite Giris Programini ve Lise Egitigim  Platformunu Duzlendirip; Uretgen Talebinize kolaylikla istedigi universitesine kabulenmesine saglayacagaz.

GTECH Ultra Edge:
⭐️Akademik ve Mantik Uzerine Hesaplanmis Ozel Universite Program Hazirligi Ogrencinize en aydin  ve parlak sekilde herhangi Target, Reach ve Safety Universitelerinin kapilari  Acicaktir.

Mantikli Hesap Uzerinde Yorumlanmis Programimiz 
(1) Ogrenciniz ve ailenizin en parlak ve aydin sekilde hem universite girisini ve butun universite boyunca basarisini garanti ediyoruz.

Hucretlerimiz: Sektorda En Uygun ve Ailenin Bucesine Gore:

Saat: $60-$100.00

* Our successful goals are executed to guarantee a secured admissions to any selected college of choice specifically to Ivy League Schools.  

Bu seviyede; yetkin ogrencinize su sekilde aydinlacaktir:

As a result of this directive; your “enlightened student” will be guided with academic admissions guidance and personal insight.

Gtech Ultra Edge Strateji Giris Programin Ozelikleri: Detayli Sekiz Ayri Kutusuna (ikiye bolerek/ bir merdiven cercevesinde ogrencinin akademik profilini universite standardlarina gore paralestirecegiz ve ustaca bagsarli sekilde birlestirecegiz. 
(1) {Lise Kurslarin Yorum Kutusu}:
(a) Alinan Kurs Listesi ve Yorumu ( Sinif: 9-12) (b) Alinan Kurs derece titizli ve Kurs Notu ve Ortalamasi. Ornek: 9 Sinif Honors Algebra - Not: A = 4.0/ Ortalama: 4.0 
10 Sinif: Geometry Not A: Ortalama 4.0 
11 Sinif: Trigonometry A- Ortalama 3.8
12 Sinif AP Calculus A+ Ortalama 4.0

(2) SAT Imtan Yorumu: (a) SAT/ PSAT Alinan Tarih Terciyi. (B)(1) Secilen SAT Tarih Yorumu, (2) SAT Prep Ders Almak Karari ve Tarih Yorumlari, (3) SAT Score/ veya Super Score karar yorumu ve Secilen Universite “requirement” paralestirmek ve aydinca denk gitirmek.

(3) Extracurricular Aktivite Dosyasi Gelistirecek Duzlenecek ve Zeginlestirilecek: 
(Ozel kulup, spor, muzik, yaz kamp ve internship/ is saglayacaz.

(4) Ozel Edge Cok Cekici ve Basarili Avantajlariyle : College Essay Bolumunu master-mind tekniklerinle ogrencinizin Giris essaylerini kendi sesiyle seslendirecek ve cevaplandiracak. 

(5) Biriktirlecek ve En iyi seceneklerden Tavsiye Mektuplarin Yorumu ve Danismanli: (a) Ogrenci listesi: (1) Kaliteli Akademik Ogretmen listesi: En iyi tavsiye mektubu nasil alinir; super tavsiye mektubun almasinin garantasi. (2) Spor, Muzik, Dans veya Ozel ve Muazam Extracurricular Aktivite Listesi ve Planlamasi: (B) Velinin Tavsiye Listesi.
(3)Alinacak Tavsiye Mektub Tarih Rehberi Yorumlunacaktir.

(6) Ozel Edge Interview Danismasi: 

(7) Universite Giris Danisma: Ozel Edge Platform Veli Danismasi ve Raporu: (1) Veli lerin: Detayli Velilere Ayet Bilgiler (2) Ogrencilerin ve Velilerin Farkli ve Farksiz Ayrintili Bilgi Raporu (a) Velinin ogrenci hakkinda akademi profil dusuncesi ve yorumu. (B) ozel non- akademik dusuncesi yorumu: (1) karakter (2) ogrencisin secti universitesine pozitif ya negatif advantaj dusuncesi ve durusu - yorum Raporu. Ornek: Kizim Elif, yeteneki degil; pek cekingen, bence Harvard zor bir secenek uma ona ramen, akademik dosyasi Harvard’ in standardlarini geciyor ve artiyor uma yinede supeliyiz. Su tur sorunlara ve sorulara dynamik stratejelerimizle onliyecegiz ve ogrenciyi ve veliyi supesiz sekilde- Harvard gidecek ve mezun olup basaracak.

(8) Universite Secenekleri (a) Ogrencinin 8-12 secilecek universite Listesi:Safe, target ve Reach. Ultra Edge GTECH garantasi her Okul bir SAFETY Okul. (B) Velilerin Istek Okulari.

15 Yillardir eğitim sektöründe danışmanlık konusunda edindiğimiz bilgi birikimi ve doğru yönlendirme ve etkin bir planlama ile çocuklarınız için eğitim hayatlarında büyük başarı kapılarını açacak ve durust sekilde aydinlanacaktir. 

Daha Detayla Bilgi Icin: Gulbanu Tashkent

Recommendation Letter: Dream Go, Education Consulting, Ltd I am writing this letter to recommend my former colleague, Gulbanu, for any position she is applying for. I had the pleasure of working with her for three years, from 2016 to 2019, during which she served as thedevelopment director at our education consulting firm, Dream Go. 'Throughout our time together, I was impressed by Gulbanu's remarkable capabilities and work ethic. She consistently demonstrated her exceptional leadership abilities, and her extensive knowledge of the education sector was invaluable in driving our company's growth and success. As the development director, she was responsible for overseeing a variety offunctions, including fundraising, strategic planning, program management, and stakeholder engagement. She always approached her work with a positive attitude and a commitment to excellence, which inspired her team to perform at their best. Gulbanu is a natural problem solver, and she has a unique ability to identify opportunities for improvement and implement innovative solutions that deliver tangible results. Under her leadership, our firm successfully secured several grants and partnerships with notable organizations, and our programs expanded to reach more students across the country. One of the qualities that I appreciated most about Gulbanu was her outstanding communication skills. She has an exceptional ability to build strong relationships with stakeholders, including funders, partners, and clients. Her professionalism, empathy, and respect for others made her a trusted advisor and partner, and I have no doubt that she will continue to be an asset to any organization shejoins. Outside of work, Gulbanu advocates for educational equity. Her commitment to social justiceand equity is truly inspiring, and I have no doubt that she will continue to make a positive impact on her community. In summary, I highly recommend Gulbanu for any position she is applying for. She is a talented and experienced professional with a strong track record ofsuccess in the education sector. She has exceptional leadership and communication skills, and her passion for educational equity is evident in everything she does. I am confident that she will be an excellent addition to any team, and I wish her all the best in her future endeavors. Ifyou have any questions, feel free to contact my via email: ————- Sincerely. Jamie Xue

Gulbanu Daser
Üyelik Tarihi: 03.03.2024
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