Gtech Egitim Danismanligi Hizmetleri/ Education Consulting: Offered virtually/ person/ travel to location.GTECH Education and College Placement by GulBanu DaSer.
•Former Manhattan Review Curriculum Writer and TOEFL Tutor.
•C2 Center Director
• Adjunct Professor Psychology / Researcher
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⭐️Academic and Admissions/University Program Preparation Will Open the doors of any Target, Reach and Safety Universities to your student in the most enlightened and proficient manner.
Our Program Interpreted on Logical Calculations:
8 bucket criss cross- crossing method specialized on essay editing and drafting!!!!
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Strategies to Open the Curse of Essay Writing!
Brilliant method of answering prompts.
Brown's Open Curriculum allows students to explore broadly while also diving deeply into their academic pursuits.
Tell us about any academic interests that excite you, and how you might pursue them at Brown. (200-250 words)
Closed equals diving deeply
Gtech method pivot with navigation
use philosophy with wisdom.
Why and How must be addressed in one shot with logical hindsight requiring the negation of the prompt.
If perceived as closed; one is able to better steer their interests at Brown with their own microscope while also promoting the narrative how the coursework will be navigated and created within the students potential acclimated around the container of Brown's knowledge vessel. If imagined closed, the student has direct power over the “open” curriculum because the student has already mirrored all the possibilities with their own simulated coursework options for Brown, (2), the student fit with the Brown curriculum and (3) the “process” of turning their individual potential into successful progressive action to link up with Brown”s open curriculum. The key is to draw Brown's curriculum from an imagined lock to an unlocked position. This not only shows your mastery as a student; putting you aside from the rest and also gives you the leverage as how you are the best for brown but also as how you best will make Brown a further asset…
When addressing the Brown's Curriculum as closed one veers to bring a more authoritative response to all three questions- seeing the prompt from the antithesis projects an inherent Lockean Blank Slate that further propels more power to the totality and ingenuity of the complete answer.
When fostering an application forward to Brown; one must imagine or take into account that the curriculum is closed before addressing a fuller perspective of stepping up and recognizing the “openness” of the curriculum.. Realizing the full scope of the curriculum is only apparent if it is seen as closed- then when closed, one can see the availability and create a substitute venue of course options and also be able to better adjust one s own elasticity, flexibility and fit with courses. So, the course load is seen as closed so that one can better provide their fit and potential while exercising self freedom in creating their own simulated Brown Course Load. One is better able to run better after or pedal up the gears of cognitive stimuli when coursework is imagined as closed; because it acts as a precursor to satisfactorily providing the rich and supplementary academic material of answering the latter part of the question as to what excites the student at Brown.
For example, If allowed, if I can reverse course or trajectory of the interpretation of this question which would nullify and void if that and only if that truly ine doesn't explore broadly and not dive deeply or into their pursuits-
It leads to a sense of moratorium and blocked growth. This lack of mobility is significant through the lineage of the literary style of the question.
So, I'm taking the opposite route to answering this question as to how this tautology of logic works against the grain of thought that if one is not allowed to explore broadly and deeply into academic pursuits - the pros and cons of this literary strategy of inquiry will either nullify or activate the descriptive motion bearing on to the question of which studies are of interest.
(a) right fit within the self - actualization of intention with the result of chosen study - leading to success or not.
(Like Yale Question) perseverance gained via overcoming harassment, discrimination and any stymied isms a morphing in paralysis of cognitive growth. The result of such integral value functions are what is most equivalent to excitement due to the resulting self actualization.
Nevertheless, if the points used are symbols of character that elevate human values, the elevation will be expressed correctly and will enrich the taxi.
If the character richness, maturity and equality rules of people were balanced, this would balance both their superiority and their success compared to others. This development is exactly worthy of Yale University.
Il ya des beaucoup raison Etre inviter de Yale Universite: pour example d' actualization etique de personne cest justification pour le inviter de Yale. Ily a des beaucoup etudiant etudier de subjets de ennui Mais la personne de puissance est un etudiant n est pas intellectual mais asseritif avec morale et ethique. Sujet de liberte est raison etre significant de renaissance que accepte Yale. Morality, equality et signife de character de liberte avec l' etudiante. Bon etudiant est etudiant de ecrit, lit et dit de langue de determination et integrite. Pour example, des etudes dans le lycee de Sorbonne sont difficile Mais un personne debrouille des etude mais - debrouille des etude cn est pas raison etre intelligence mais Ilya des etudiant morale et avec ca souffit integrite est plus important que intelectualite. Plus important, c est realization personnel des ideaux…
(B) Example, perhaps- (a) if playing chess; the inquiry is very specific and narrow which bears to result in an even more specific and rigid interest of selection of deeply driven intentions. This movement of collected aggregates of strength provides not only reinforced and aggrandized focal interests while procuring a competitive and increased advantaged spot over colleagues and success in the selected choice of study which is a total win win for future academic and professional sustainability. This line of thought and strategy redefines the competitive nature of Brown University and its solid curriculum by taking the antithetical path or dissection of the question.
Choice b / answer the question as is with broad inquiry yet deeply diving
actively interpret the antithetical interpretation of this question
Keys: research open curriculum at Brown.
How is it opened?
How is it closed?
What is it about your past present efforts that will secure its fit with the opening and closing of curriculum? Your efforts are illustrated to be indicative of how the closed nature of course curriculum characteristics can be further opened and initiated for the better.
And vice versa
Consequences of the opening - partial, full - pros and cons
Think Envelope
not so much window but the frame (inward vs outward)
Opening depicted by (1) availability (2)flexibility of courses, (3) course rigor and (4) range of interdisciplinary courses. (5) degree of opening - availability paralleled with your skills and talents.
Options to study abroad or not.
Research- Liberal Arts and Humanities- all tenures of study types.
What is the (historical, present and future) background of Brown that allows for Brown's curriculum to be open rather than be closed.
Any problems or conflicts in the past with an open curriculum…
Problems incurred in its history with the fact that it has an open curriculum (site research examples).
Prompt dissection (a) comparing open vs closed
(hint) pay attention to semantics: how the prompt is split by the usage of the word broadly vs driving deeply into academic interests.
Use the very same strategy to mirror the voice or sight of your own response that mimicked the oppositional tendency of the semantic significance of the question.
Your response should also pinpoint the use of antithesis to show the strength of synonymous exponential growth of your past studies concurring with a slower pace of current and declining locomotion to only fiercely investigate a vision of relevant future disciplines- this line of thinking brings the strength of mobility through language and expression.
Use philosophy, mathematics/,statistics to emphasize this point.
Differences between a closed; or for a lack of better words; a more specific and narrow direction of options.
Use this oppositional difference of the question at hand and discuss how this not only applies to your open academic interests within the framework of a more narrow specific inquiry of interests.
Does an open or closed curriculum broadly allow or not and allow students to dive deeply or not to their academic pursuits.
Use oppossitional arguments to supplement ( your argument.
Students entering Brown often find that making their home on College Hill naturally invites reflection on where they came from. Share how an aspect of your growing up has inspired or challenged you, and what unique contributions this might allow you to make to the Brown community. (200-250 words)
Brown students care deeply about their work and the world around them. Students find contentment, satisfaction, and meaning in daily interactions and major discoveries. Whether big or small, mundane or spectacular, tell us about something that brings you joy. (200-250 words)
Keys: the range or degree of fluctuation or intensity of leverage provided by the things that bring joy.
try translating the word joy in different languages, and see the morphological and phonological difference.
Equalize and formalize the definition of joy into the realms of locomotion and mobility. For example, when I first started walking; my parents thought that I experienced so much joy and happiness which equated with regaining steps to continue to grow.
First year fellow are also asked to reflect briefly on each of the very short answer questions below. We expect that answers will range from a few words to a few sentences at most.
What three words best describe you? (3 words)
(A) Complex
(B) Different
© Subtle
D) Rational
These all focus on contracting and receding in and out of!- delving into the inner depth while excavating the outer perimeter of personality, objectives, the human persona and spirit
Words that should focus on going in and out of a framework.
For example- words that are synonymous with contracting and inward and outward.
This will give crystallized depth to a whole perspective by insulating and deinsulating a process.
Whole: divided into parts and parts that make up of a whole.
What is your most meaningful extracurricular commitment, and what would you like us to know about it? (100 words)
Point (1) focus on meaningful - and commitment
What are the relation between the two (coordinate or causal)
Is a commitment necessarily meaningful and vice versa.
Second Section: the necessary insight that makes you decide to choose (reflective) them to tell to and what part to tell; this is the key. Therefore, research the major caveats or virtues that characterize Brown- what's the big to do about Brown.
Then, mirror this reflection via your own tunnel experience. The naturally ebullient nature of my poetry recited at many contests are an example of the upper tier mastery encapsulated by many of the Fulbright Tenure Professors of the infamous English Literature Department at Brown headed by the Legendary upward motion of synchronic poets
Poetry sings to one's death or life at Brown while my poems have also sung to low and higher heights of life and death. But, the link is the stanza at half mast which perpetuates the singular unity of hope and epitome of sharp depth of meaning. It is that all too common shared point of perfection in the middle that brings us a shared phenomenon to Brown's legacy.
If you could teach a class on any one thing, whether academic or otherwise, what would it be? (100 words) (a) objective: Calculus connect the dots with other inspirers who have used this vehicle to promis indelible success in DNA cloning-ai and etc. The importance of calculus on the go laity of life in objective lights.
Swimming - connect the dots; water reflective of life; projects instincts of evolution Darwinian survival against any obstacles.
Teaching is very noble and at the apex of pedagogy and honor; so be clever. (hint 1)
Think of two groups (1) personal teachers that brought you to an indelible point of life.
(2) second group think of an icon who is a teacher; like (famous) teachers.
You are given a choice: Academic or Not. - be creative yet anchored about your decision.
Don't be shy
Invest time in defining and stretching the term teaching; is it a process of dual action between two parties; participant and agent ( teacher) - pinpoint the interlocutors (how are roles distributed. Think Socrates and Plato
Or, teaching like a soliloquy
Define the “ the type of teaching”, on “ what ” or academic or not - the consequences of choosing a non academic class is superior to academic b because it shows more depth, wisdom and creativity
In one sentence, Why Brown? (50 words)
Tactics: (1) why, not.
(2) re-emphasize-repeat brown mantra squared and how you are the enzyme or pulverizoring force that brings the deal to the table.
Solquoy or Picture- theory of Brown: the final cruxifics or the eternal beacon of pedagogy that ascends and descends with light to frame divine trinity in education.
The tailgates of human demise as seen in so many abstract forms in the world come to a paralyzing halt at the doorsteps at Brown. While there is fire; Brown begins the nestling of fertility of minds; the opening of waters in a world that shuns and spews arsenic chaos from rippled aggregates of roaring wars; Brown insulates “peace” like a hymn sung in church
Brown: Christ - First Baptist church
Transfer students are also asked to complete the following very short answer question:
What is your most meaningful extracurricular commitment, and what would you like us to know about it? (100 words)
Define meaningful extend the definition into an adverb describing meaningful rooted in how it's meaningful- beautifully, majestically, purposefully and the direction for example, (1) internally, (2) externally (3) the beginning, middle and end. This is critical because the latter half of the question espouses a response that is fit with how the example depicted by meaning of an extracurricular commitment is fit with an origin - and motion words indicating the time frame.
The commmittment of so and so is indirectly cushioned with showing commitment rather than just telling but by gathering a picture and how the picture is painted. The commitment to my swim team was resurrected from the beginning when I first learned to walk; perhaps, even further back in the womb since my mother recounted stories of how my kicking in the womb reflected the powerful lunges forward at my swim meets. This majestic and nostalgic memory of my mother”s embryonic experience only hails to make my swimming even more literally and figuratively significant since it became internalized as clock work to make my swimming not only routine but artwork. In addition, objectively, her detailed recognition of her pregnancy of my embryonic behavior only motivates me even further because of my (1) natural talent and (2) continued hope to do better throughout life's endeavors and tribulations.
Externally, the swimming brought me to a champion league but inherently and internally from my very initiation; the swimming rewards my sense of actualization and growth in the eyes or reflection of myself and my mother. The significance of swimming is that it is my acorn of success that celebrates my genesis and extends along with my mother's recognition of my growth through a vessel of time that depicts full self adaptive actualized sense of development. This precocious precursor of success is not only ideal for Brown University but an ultimate fit with its motto
Our Fees: The Most Affordable in the Sector and According to the Family's Budget:
Hour: $60-$100.00
For More Detailed Information: Gulbanu Daser
Recommendation Letter: Dream Go, Education Consulting, Ltd I am writing this letter to recommend my former colleague, Gulbanu, for any position she is applying for. I had the pleasure of working with her for three years, from 2016 to 2019, during which she served as the development director at our education consulting firm, Dream Go. 'Throughout our time together, I was impressed by Gulbanu's remarkable capabilities and work ethics. She consistently demonstrated her exceptional leadership abilities, and her extensive knowledge of the education sector was invaluable in driving our company's growth and success. As the development director, she was responsible for overseeing a variety of functions, including fundraising, strategic planning, program management, and stakeholder engagement. She always approached her work with a positive attitude and a commitment to excellence, which inspired her team to perform at their best. Gulbanu is a natural problem solver, and she has a unique ability to identify opportunities for improvement and implement innovative solutions that deliver tangible results. Under her leadership, our firm successfully secured several grants and partnerships with notable organizations, and our programs expanded to reach more students across the country. One of the qualities that I appreciated most about Gulbanu was her outstanding communication skills. She has an exceptional ability to build strong relationships with stakeholders, including funders, partners, and clients. Her professionalism, empathy, and respect for others made her a trusted advisor and partner, and I have no doubt that she will continue to be an asset to any organization shejoins. Outside of work, Gulbanu advocates for educational equity. Her commitment to social justice and equity is truly inspiring, and I have no doubt that she will continue to make a positive impact on her community. In summary, I highly recommend Gulbanu for any position she is applying for. She is a talented and experienced professional with a strong track record of success in the education sector. She has exceptional leadership and communication skills, and her passion for educational equity is evident in everything she does. I am confident that she will be an excellent addition to any team, and I wish her all the best in her future endeavors. If you have any questions, feel free to contact my via email: ————- Sincerely. ———